Langolin, near Eston

Mix savannah and grassland, Steep hillside, deep dark soils, rarely grazed till recently.

Indigenous Wild Bramble (ijikijolo): Rubus rigidus not to be confused with Rubus ludwigii from mistbelt areas.

Two Phyllanthus compared: Phyllanthus glaucophylla with grey leaves and few upright stems; and Phyllanthus heterophyllus which is much bushier; both +/-25cm tall. They are in the Euphorbia family and share the genus name with the Potato-bush Phyllanthus reticulatus.

DSC_4003 Sisyranthus anceps ENEndangered Sysiranthus anceps

A dwarf cassia Chamaecrista plumosa (ihlalnyosi), with distinctive blue leaves.

A very tall and dense stand of white flowering Senecio scoparius. These are not common.

Delicate Jamesbrittenia kraussiana (usikisiki, Kerriebos)

DSC_4023 Searsia rehmanniana

Searsia rehmanniana, a Rhus that is commonly seen in grasslands.
(Blunt-leaf Crow-berry, inhlokoshiyane, stompblaartaaibos).

Two Delosperma species: pink might be saturatum and the white is lineare.

Not sure what this is but is might be Schistostephium rotundifolium.

Cleome monophylla (Spindlepod, isiwisa): most plants in this Caper family (Capparacaea) have a palmate leaf. The heart-shaped leaf in the second photo is Acalypha villicaulis.

DSC_3994 Merwilla kraussii

A bulb that grows next to rocks is this hairy-leafed Merwilla kraussii. Botanists have sunk it into Merwilla plumbea which has much larger bulbs and distinctive broad and blue-grey glaucous leaves. Plant people who live in this area refuse to accept that they are the same.

Beautiful blue Lobelia cochlearifolia has round leaves.

Lobelia filiformis is a tiny delicate herb with white flowers growing in small clumps.

Crassula crenulata is common in tall grasslands.

Pelargonium grossularioides (I think).

DSC_3969 Pentanisia angustifolia

Pentanisia angustifolia has very fine, narrow and hairless leaves (isibunde).