Karkloof Nature Reserve – mid December

High mistbelt grassland, dark peaty soils, wetlands, streams, some rocky outcrops. Grazing by cattle and horses in places.

DSC_3813 Miroglossum pilosum

Miroglossum pilosum (Apocynaceae)

DSC_3817 Eriosema distinctum

Large stand of Scarlet Eriosema distinctum with close-up below (ubangalala olukhulu).


Xysmalobium tysonianum (Apocnaceae) mostly seen between rocks.

DSC_3851 Lycoperdon pulcherrimum'

An old specimen of fungus Lycoperdon probably pulcherrimum starting to fall apart – sometimes called Golf-ball mushroom.

Two Moraea: lots of blue elliotii and only one tiny yellow trifida.

DSC_3876 Kniphofia fluviatilis

River Poker, Kniphofia fluviatilis grows with its ‘feet’ in running water.

Valeriana capensis var. lanceolata.

DSC_3902 Wahlenbergia madagascariensis

Large carpets of white flowering Wahlenbergia madagascariensis under the grass tufts.

Something else which occurred in large carpet colonies was this Berkheya pannosa: (flowers in September).

DSC_3895 Berkheya pannosa

And then these two exotics:

DSC_3898 Viola kitaibelliana

Viola kitaibelliana from Slovenia

DSC_3905 Hybanthus parviflorus'

and Hybanthus parviflorus

I don’t know what this is but it may be Modiola which is also exotic:

DSC_3906 Modiola' or Modiolastrum'

Langolin, near Eston

Mix savannah and grassland, Steep hillside, deep dark soils, rarely grazed till recently.

Indigenous Wild Bramble (ijikijolo): Rubus rigidus not to be confused with Rubus ludwigii from mistbelt areas.

Two Phyllanthus compared: Phyllanthus glaucophylla with grey leaves and few upright stems; and Phyllanthus heterophyllus which is much bushier; both +/-25cm tall. They are in the Euphorbia family and share the genus name with the Potato-bush Phyllanthus reticulatus.

DSC_4003 Sisyranthus anceps ENEndangered Sysiranthus anceps

A dwarf cassia Chamaecrista plumosa (ihlalnyosi), with distinctive blue leaves.

A very tall and dense stand of white flowering Senecio scoparius. These are not common.

Delicate Jamesbrittenia kraussiana (usikisiki, Kerriebos)

DSC_4023 Searsia rehmanniana

Searsia rehmanniana, a Rhus that is commonly seen in grasslands.
(Blunt-leaf Crow-berry, inhlokoshiyane, stompblaartaaibos).

Two Delosperma species: pink might be saturatum and the white is lineare.

Not sure what this is but is might be Schistostephium rotundifolium.

Cleome monophylla (Spindlepod, isiwisa): most plants in this Caper family (Capparacaea) have a palmate leaf. The heart-shaped leaf in the second photo is Acalypha villicaulis.

DSC_3994 Merwilla kraussii

A bulb that grows next to rocks is this hairy-leafed Merwilla kraussii. Botanists have sunk it into Merwilla plumbea which has much larger bulbs and distinctive broad and blue-grey glaucous leaves. Plant people who live in this area refuse to accept that they are the same.

Beautiful blue Lobelia cochlearifolia has round leaves.

Lobelia filiformis is a tiny delicate herb with white flowers growing in small clumps.

Crassula crenulata is common in tall grasslands.

Pelargonium grossularioides (I think).

DSC_3969 Pentanisia angustifolia

Pentanisia angustifolia has very fine, narrow and hairless leaves (isibunde).


A hill in Rosetta (September)

Chrysanthemoides monilifera
Chrysanthemoides monilifera grows to less than 1m tall on steep rocky slopes
Pelargonium bowkeri
Pelargonium bowkeri


Cliffortia nitidula.
Cliffortia nitidula leaves
Cliffortia nitidula
Cliffortia nitidula 4m tall tree
Crassula nudicaulis flower
Flowers of Crassula nudicaulis
Crassula nudicaulis var nudicaulis
Crassula nudicaulis var. nudicaulis
Cyrtanthus tuckii var viridiloba
Cyrtanthus tuckii var. viridiloba
Delosperma repens'
Delosperma maybe repens – flowers are small (1cm) bright pink
Drimia elata
Drimia may be elata
Empodium monophyllum
Empodium monophyllum
Euphorbia clavarioides
Euphorbia clavarioides
Gnidia polyantha.
Gnidia polyantha flowers
Gnidia polyantha
Gnidia polyantha 1m tall
Helichrysum aureum
Helichrysum aureum
Helichrysum caespititium
Helichrysum caespititium
Merwilla plumbea
Merwilla plumbea
Pleopeltis polypodioides.
Pleopeltis polypodioides
Pleopeltis polypodioides
Pleopeltis polypodioides
Unknown Felicia
could be Felicia filifolia

Highflats – search for Satyrium rhodanthum


Grazed grasslands, the cattle have made contours along the steep hillside to get to grazing sites.

1 Satyrium rhodantha
Satyrium rhodanthum (EN) only known from 2 sites
2 Satyrium parviflorum green
Satyrium parviflorum seen in a range of colours

3 Satyrium parviflorum4 S parviflorum

9 Eulophia tenella
Eulophia tenella
5 Schizoglossum bidens
Schizoglossum bidens (Apocynaceae- Milkweed Family)
6 Polygala refracta
Polygala refracta
7 Rhynchosia cooperi'
Rhynchosia cooperi
8 Rhynchosia
A different Rhynchosia – it may be R reptabunda
10 K northiae
Kniphofia northiae flower
11 Kniphofia northiae
Kniphofia northiae plant – the biggest Poker.
DSC_2661 Satyrium neglectum woodii
Satyrium woodii (neglectum subsp. woodii) only known from one other site in KZN.
12 Moraea unibracteata
Moraea unibracteata
13 Albuca rupestris
Albuca rupestris
14 Harveya
Harveya perhaps parasite
15 Senecio sandersonii (1)
Senecio sandersonii
15 Senecio sandersonii (2)
Senecio sandersonii flowers
16 Brachycorythis ovata
Brachycorythis ovata
16 Brachycorythis ovata (2)
Brachycorythis ovata
17 Argyrolobium longifolium
Argyrolobium longifolium (VU)
18 Cycnium tubulosum
Cycnium tubulosum
19 Aloe linaerifolia
Aloe linaerifolia (NT)
20 Senecio scitus or hygrophilus
Senecio scitus maybe with one ray floret.
21 Unknown blue flowers 4 petals (1)
unknown 5 petals

21 Unknown blue flowers 4 petals (2)